Authorization Criteria for Silane Reactive Penetrating Sealers List

Revised: 6/30/2020

All Silane Reactive Penetrating Sealers to be used by the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) shall be on the Caltrans Authorized Material List (AML) before incorporation into any construction project. This Authorization and Acceptance Criteria establishes procedures to ensure that the Silane Reactive Penetrating Sealer material meets the requirements for the category of “Reactive Penetrating Sealers” within the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1113 for Architectural Coatings (Amended February 5, 2016), the California Air Resources Board 2019 Suggested Control Measures for Architectural Coatings (SCM) and Caltrans acceptance criteria. Refer to Section 54-7 Silane Waterproofing Treatment, of the Caltrans 2018 Standard Specifications.

Authorization of Silane Reactive Penetrating Sealers requires the following:

  1. For new products, the manufacturer will provide:
    1. Letter of intent specifying the type of product, applications and contact information.
    2. Authorized Material List Submittal Form TL-9502.

For more information see:

  1. Manufacturers product data sheet.
  2. Safety Data Sheets.
  3. When directed to do so, send a quart sample of the material for the Department’s testing.
  1. All Silane Reactive Penetrating Sealers shall meet the following performance and acceptance criteria:
    1. Consist of an alkyl alkoxysilane as a 100 percent neat material or dispersion. Alkyl alkoxysilanes shall be an alkyl trimethoxy or triethoxy silane with alkyl groups of i-butyl, i-pentyl, i-octyl, n-octyl, singularly or in combination.
    2. Silane Reactive Penetrating Sealers must permeate concrete and masonry surfaces, chemically reacting to form covalent bonds with naturally occurring minerals within the substrate.
    3. Silane Reactive Penetrating Sealers line the pores of concrete and masonry substrates with a hydrophobic layer, but do not form a surface film.
    4. Meet the following performance requirements.
PropertyTest MethodRequirementsExplanation
Water Repellency, %ASTM C9780% min.Improve water repellency compared to untreated concrete/masonry sample
Water Vapor Transmission, grains/hr ft2 @ 37.8°C±1.1°C and a relative humidity of 32±2%ASTM E96 / ASTM D649085% maxMust provide a breathable waterproof barrier that does not prevent or substantially retard water vapor transmission compared to an untreated concrete/masonry sample.
Total VOCs, g/LASTM D3960 350g/L max350g/L maxTotal volatile organic carbon (VOC) content including reacted VOCs
Perform as a Chloride ScreenNCHRP 244 Series I test9.0% maxThe calculated content of the solution absorbed by the treated concrete/masonry sample, must be less than the original 9.2% Cl by wt. in the 15% NaCl solution.
  1. Send the submittal requirements and product sample to the Chemical Testing Branch in Sacramento, CA.

California Department of Transportation Laboratory
Attention: Barry Marcks, (Silane Reactive Penetrating Sealer)
Chemical Testing Branch
5900 Folsom Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95819-4612

  1. When the product submittal package has been reviewed and the product tested for conformance to the acceptance criteria, the Department will notify the manufacturer of the findings, issuing an acceptance letter or a rejection letter.
  2. Authorization of the Silane Reactive Penetrating Sealer is valid for five years from the date it is placed on the AML.
  3. The Department reserves the right to sample and to remove the product from the AML at any time.
  1. Reauthorization:
    1. Six months prior to a product’s listed reauthorization date, Manufacturers need to contact the Chemical Testing Branch.
    2. Manufacturers shall submit a letter confirming that the formulation of the product has not changed and a quart sample of the product.
    3. When the Department confirms that the formulation of the product has not changed, still meets the Performance and Acceptance Criteria, the AML reauthorization date will be changed to the new date.

Caltrans contact: Kirolos Kelada,