Precast Concrete Cementitious Based Repair Material

Last edit date: 3/13/2025

Category 1: Surface Spalls, Honeycomb and Minor Defects

HD 25 VO Dayton Superior Corporation Vertical & Overhead 6/2026
Elephant Armor DOT Industrial Grade Mortar GST International Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead 7/2026
Planitop 12 SR MAPEI Corporation Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead 7/2027
Surfix Blend Patch Penetron USA, Inc. Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead 9/2026
Phoscrete Formula 1-HC Phoscrete Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
Phoscrete Formula 3-HC Phoscrete Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
Phoscrete Formula 3-VO Phoscrete Corporation Vertical & Overhead 6/2026
FastSet DOT Mix Quikrete Horizontal 9/2026
SikaTop 122 Plus Sika Corporation Horizontal & Vertical 6/2026
SikaTop 123 Plus Sika Corporation Vertical & Overhead 6/2026
Quickset US Spec Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead 7/2027

Category 2: In Depth Repair

HD 25 VO Dayton Superior Corporation Vertical & Overhead 6/2026
Elephant Armor DOT Industrial Grade Mortar GST International Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead 7/2026
Planitop 11 SCC MAPEI Corporation Horizontal 7/2027
Surfix Blend Patch Penetron USA, Inc. Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead 9/2026
Phoscrete Formula 1-HC Phoscrete Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
Phoscrete Formula 3-HC Phoscrete Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
Phoscrete Formula 3-VO Phoscrete Corporation Vertical & Overhead 6/2026
SikaCrete 211 SCC Plus Sika Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
SikaCrete 321FS Sika Corporation Horizontal Expired on 12/2022
SikaTop 122 Plus Sika Corporation Horizontal & Vertical 6/2026
SikaTop 123 Plus Sika Corporation Vertical & Overhead 6/2026
Versaspeed LS100 The Euclid Chemical Company Horizontal 6/2026
Quickset US Spec Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead 7/2027

Category 3: Dry, Rapid-Hardening Cementitious Materials for Concrete Repairs (ASTM C928) - Surface Spalls, Honeycomb and Minor Defects

Rapid Set Cement All CTS Cement Manufacturing Horizontal & Vertical 7/2027
Elephant Armor DOT Industrial Grade Mortar GST International Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead 7/2026
ProSpec BlendCrete H.B. Fuller Construction Products, Incorporated Vertical & Overhead Expired on 3/2024
Planitop XS MAPEI Corporation Vertical & Overhead 6/2026
Surfix Blend Patch Penetron USA, Inc. Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead 9/2026
Phoscrete Formula 1-HC Phoscrete Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
Phoscrete Formula 3-HC Phoscrete Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
Phoscrete Formula 3-VO Phoscrete Corporation Vertical & Overhead 6/2026
FastSet DOT Mix Quikrete Horizontal 9/2026
Sakrete Pro Mix All Purpose Cement Sakrete Of North America Horizontal & Vertical 3/2027
Sakrete Pro Mix Concrete Repair Sakrete Of North America Horizontal & Vertical 3/2027
SikaQuick 1000 Sika Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
SikaQuick 2500 Sika Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
SikaQuick VOH Sika Corporation Vertical & Overhead 6/2026
Euco-Speed The Euclid Chemical Company Horizontal 6/2026
Express Repair The Euclid Chemical Company Horizontal 7/2027
Quickset US Spec Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead 7/2027
STR Mortar CI US Spec Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead Expired on 9/2023

Category 4: Dry, Rapid-Hardening Cementitious Materials for Concrete Repairs (ASTM C928) - In Depth Repair

Crackbond Jet Patch Adhesives Technology Corporation Vertical & Overhead 6/2026
Rapid Set Cement All CTS Cement Manufacturing Horizontal & Vertical 7/2027
Elephant Armor DOT Industrial Grade Mortar GST International Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead 7/2026
Planitop 18 MAPEI Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
Planitop 18 ES MAPEI Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
Planitop 18 TG MAPEI Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
Planitop X MAPEI Corporation Vertical & Overhead 6/2026
Surfix Blend Patch Penetron USA, Inc. Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead 9/2026
Phoscrete Formula 1-HC Phoscrete Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
Phoscrete Formula 3-HC Phoscrete Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
Phoscrete Formula 3-VO Phoscrete Corporation Vertical & Overhead 6/2026
Sakrete Pro Mix All Purpose Cement Sakrete Of North America Horizontal & Vertical 3/2027
Sakrete Pro Mix Concrete Repair Sakrete Of North America Horizontal & Vertical 3/2027
SikaCrete 321FS Sika Corporation Horizontal Expired on 12/2022
SikaQuick 2500 Sika Corporation Horizontal 6/2026
Versaspeed 100 The Euclid Chemical Company Horizontal 6/2026
Quickset US Spec Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead 7/2027
Transpatch Concrete US Spec Horizontal 6/2026


*The materials on this list are NOT intended for concrete surfaces in contact with soil, anchorage devices, bridge decks, or roadway wearing surfaces. Refer to applicable California Department of Transportation ("Caltrans") Specification for other or additional requirements for these intended uses (i.e. Section 41, 51, 60, etc.).

*This list is the most current list for authorized precast concrete cementitious based repair materials and is the only list recognized by Caltrans for precast products.
*The materials on this list are used for repair only – does not waive any cosmetic, color, or physical requirements of the finish requirements.

Caltrans contact: Spencer Adams,