Organic Zinc Rich Primer

Last edit date: 6/18/2024

The following organic zinc-rich primers have been authorized for use when specifications require use of a commercial quality organic zinc-rich primer. Typical uses are the repair of galvanized steel, minor touch-up on inorganic zinc-coated steel, application to threads on galvanized pipes, coating inside of bolt holes, and other cut edges of coated-steel products. Refer to Section 83-2.05B(4) and 91-2.02A of the 2022 Standard Specifications. Aerosol cans shall not be used.

Manufacturer Product Name VOC, g/L Expiration DateBABA Act Information*
Carboline Company Carbozinc 859 360 9/2025Manufactured product, domestic source reported
PPG Protective Marine Coatings SIGMAZINC 70 DOT 278 4/2029Unconfirmed
Sherwin-Williams Company Corthane I, Galvapak 1K 340 10/2025Unconfirmed
Sherwin-Williams Company Zinc clad III HS 100 100 10/2025Unconfirmed
Wasser Corporation MC-Zinc 100 100 Expired on 2/2025Manufactured product, covered by 1983 waiver

The organic zinc-rich primers must meet the volatile organic carbon (VOC) content restrictions of local Air Quality Management Districts in which they are applied. The information contained herein, shall not be used for advertising purposes, nor is it an endorsement by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).

Evaluation Criteria: Instructions on how material is placed on the Authorized Material List can be found in the Organic Zinc-Rich Primer, Authorization Requirements, and Acceptance Criteria.

Caltrans contact: Kirolos Kelada,

*As attested to by the supplier.

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is implementing statutory changes required by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – Build America, Buy America Act (BABA), which expands Buy America to additional construction materials, in addition to steel or iron materials and manufactured products.