Organic Zinc Rich Primer
Last edit date: 6/18/2024
The following organic zinc-rich primers have been authorized for use when specifications require use of a commercial quality organic zinc-rich primer. Typical uses are the repair of galvanized steel, minor touch-up on inorganic zinc-coated steel, application to threads on galvanized pipes, coating inside of bolt holes, and other cut edges of coated-steel products. Refer to Section 83-2.05B(4) and 91-2.02A of the 2022 Standard Specifications. Aerosol cans shall not be used.
Manufacturer | Product Name | VOC, g/L | Expiration Date | BABA Act Information* |
Carboline Company | Carbozinc 859 | 360 | 9/2025 | Manufactured product, domestic source reported |
PPG Protective Marine Coatings | SIGMAZINC 70 DOT | 278 | 4/2029 | Unconfirmed |
Sherwin-Williams Company | Corthane I, Galvapak 1K | 340 | 10/2025 | Unconfirmed |
Sherwin-Williams Company | Zinc clad III HS 100 | 100 | 10/2025 | Unconfirmed |
Wasser Corporation | MC-Zinc 100 | 100 | Expired on 2/2025 | Manufactured product, covered by 1983 waiver |