Fusion Bonded Epoxy Powders for Coating Reinforcement Steel

Last edit date: 4/29/2024

3M Company

Product Name ASTM Unique ID Expiration DateBABA Act Information*
Scotchkote 413 A775/A775M FE-17-09 6/1/2028Unconfirmed
Scotchkote 426 A934/A934M FE-17-10 6/1/2028Unconfirmed

AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry, LLC

Product Name ASTM Unique ID Expiration DateBABA Act Information*
A775/A775M FE-17-01 6/1/2028Construction material, domestic source reported

Axalta Coating Systems

Product Name ASTM Unique ID Expiration DateBABA Act Information*
A775/A775M FE-17-02 6/1/2028Unconfirmed
A934/A934M FE-17-04 6/1/2028Unconfirmed
A934/A934M FE-17-03 6/1/2028Unconfirmed
A775/A775M FE-17-05 6/1/2028Unconfirmed

IFS Coatings Incorporation

Product Name ASTM Unique ID Expiration DateBABA Act Information*
Pureflex Green
A775/A775M FE-17-11 6/1/2028Manufactured product, covered by 1983 waiver

VALSPAR Corporation

Product Name ASTM Unique ID Expiration DateBABA Act Information*
A775/A775M FE-17-06 6/1/2028Unconfirmed
PFR70001 A934/A934M FE-17-07 6/1/2028Unconfirmed
PFR70001/LG A934/A934M FE-17-08 6/1/2028Unconfirmed


  1. If there is a discrepancy between this list and the authorization letter issued by the California Department of Transportation ("Caltrans") to the manufacturer, the authorization letter and any conditions therein control
  2. If any of the following occur, Caltrans may revoke the authorization of a product, and remove it from this list:
    • The design of the product changes
    • The material used in the product changes
    • The manufacturer engages in fraud or misrepresentation in order to comply with the quality control and quality assurance requirements in section 75 of the Standard Specifications
  3. Caltrans takes no position respecting the validity of any intellectual property rights asserted in connection with any product on this list. Users of this list are solely responsible for determining the validity of any such intellectual property rights
  4. This table was prepared to provide a reference source for epoxy coating systems currently authorized for use by Caltrans. Caltrans assumes no liability or responsibility for the accuracy or validity of this information if used by other entities

Caltrans contact: Michael Mifkovic, (916) 227-6939, michael.mifkovic@dot.ca.gov

*As attested to by the supplier.

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is implementing statutory changes required by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – Build America, Buy America Act (BABA), which expands Buy America to additional construction materials, in addition to steel or iron materials and manufactured products.
