Aggregate Prequalification Program

Last edit date: 3/11/2025

SMARA # or State/Country, if non-SMARA Mine Name Mine Operator Aggregate Size QC DIME Sample ID QA DIME Sample ID Authorization Expiration Date
91-19-0025IrwindaleIrwindale Reclamation Authority1-1/2 inch 2024-01-10-17 2024-01-10-32 4/1/2025
1 inch 2024-01-10-18 2024-01-10-33 4/1/2025
3/8 inch 2024-01-10-19 2024-01-10-34 4/1/2025
fine 2024-01-10-20 2024-01-10-35 4/1/2025
91-33-0035Eagle Valley QuarryHanson Aggregates Llc1-1/2 inch 2024-01-10-21 2024-01-10-36 4/1/2025
1 inch 2024-01-10-22 2024-01-10-37 4/1/2025
3/8 inch 2024-01-10-23 2024-01-10-38 4/1/2025
CASantee San Diego PitMartin Marietta1 inch 2024-01-17-35 2024-01-17-39 4/1/2025
3/8 inch 2024-01-17-36 2024-01-17-40 4/1/2025
fine 2024-01-17-37 2024-01-17-41 4/1/2025
CANADAPort Mcneil Quarry(orca Aggregate)Polaris Mineral Corporation1 inch 2024-01-25-25 2024-01-25-32 4/8/2025
1/2 inch 2024-01-25-26 2024-01-25-33 4/8/2025
fine 2024-01-25-27 2024-01-25-34 4/8/2025
91-36-0146Mid-valley Sanitary LandfillCounty Of San Bernardino1 inch 2024-02-16-19 2024-02-16-27 4/29/2025
3/8 inch 2024-02-16-20 2024-02-16-28 4/29/2025
fine 2024-02-16-18 2024-02-16-26 4/29/2025
91-33-0001Glen IvyWerner Corporationfine 2024-03-12-27 2024-03-12-34 5/19/2025
91-33-0084Indio MineCoachella Valley Aggregates, Inc1 inch 2024-03-13-21 2024-03-13-31 5/19/2025
3/8 inch 2024-03-13-22 2024-03-13-32 5/19/2025
fine 2024-03-13-23 2024-03-13-33 5/19/2025
91-58-0006Hallwood PlantTeichert Aggregates1 inch 2024-02-09-19 2024-02-09-28 5/20/2025
3/8 inch 2024-02-09-20 2024-02-09-29 5/20/2025
91-01-0009EliotCemex1 inch 2024-02-26-14 2024-02-26-31 5/23/2025
3/8 inch 2024-02-26-15 2024-02-26-32 5/23/2025
fine 2024-02-26-16 2024-02-26-33 5/23/2025
91-07-0004Cemex Clayton QuarryCemex1 inch 2024-02-27-8 2024-02-27-16 5/23/2025
91-57-0008Solano Concrete Off-channelCemex1 inch 2024-02-28-14 2024-02-28-23 5/23/2025
3/8 inch 2024-02-28-15 2024-02-28-24 5/23/2025
fine 2024-02-28-16 2024-02-28-25 5/23/2025
91-33-0061Harlow QuarryRobertson's Ready Mix1-1/2 inch 2024-03-11-11 2024-03-11-26 6/3/2025
1 inch 2024-03-11-12 2024-03-11-27 6/3/2025
3/8 inch 2024-03-11-13 2024-03-11-28 6/3/2025
91-33-0011Sierra PlantChandler Aggregates, Inc.1 inch 2024-03-12-24 2024-03-12-31 6/10/2025
3/8 inch 2024-03-12-25 2024-03-12-32 6/10/2025
fine 2024-03-12-26 2024-03-12-33 6/10/2025
91-19-0023DurbinIrwindale Reclamation Authority1 inch 2024-04-17-46 2024-04-17-53 6/27/2025
3/8 inch 2024-04-17-47 2024-04-17-54 6/27/2025
fine 2024-04-17-48 2024-04-17-55 6/27/2025
91-36-0116Cushenbury Sand & GravelRobertson's Ready Mix1-1/2 inch 2024-04-16-22 2024-04-16-28 6/27/2025
1 inch 2024-04-16-23 2024-04-16-29 6/27/2025
3/8 inch 2024-04-16-24 2024-04-16-30 6/27/2025
fine 2024-04-16-21 2024-04-16-27 6/27/2025
91-33-0027Corona QuarryCalmat Company1-1/2 inch - c 2024-05-07-30 2024-05-07-51 7/11/2025
1 inch - c 2024-05-07-31 2024-05-07-52 7/11/2025
1/2 inch - c 2024-05-07-32 2024-05-07-53 7/11/2025
3/8 inch - c 2024-05-07-33 2024-05-07-54 7/11/2025
91-37-0035Chula VistaVulcan Materials Company1 inch 2024-05-28-43 2024-05-28-46 7/18/2025
3/8 inch 2024-05-28-44 2024-05-28-47 7/18/2025
fine 2024-05-28-45 2024-05-28-48 7/18/2025
91-19-0035Fish Canyon QuarryAzusa Rock, Inc1 inch 2024-04-17-43 2024-04-17-50 7/21/2025
3/8 inch 2024-04-17-44 2024-04-17-51 7/21/2025
fine 2024-04-17-45 2024-04-17-52 7/21/2025
91-19-0026Little Rock QuarryHi-grade Materials Co.1 inch 2024-06-14-70 2024-06-14-45 7/29/2025
3/8 inch 2024-06-17-126 2024-06-14-48 7/29/2025
fine 2024-06-14-69 2024-06-14-49 7/29/2025
91-33-0008Cabazon QuarryRobertson's Ready Mix1 inch 2024-04-03-40 2024-04-03-52 8/4/2025
3/8 inch 2024-04-03-41 2024-04-03-53 8/4/2025
fine 2024-04-03-39 2024-04-03-51 8/4/2025
91-36-0006Foothill Quarry And PlantHolliday Trucking, Inc.1 inch 2024-05-03-19 2024-05-03-26 8/12/2025
3/8 inch 2024-05-03-20 2024-05-03-27 7/21/2025
fine 2024-05-03-21 2024-05-03-28 7/21/2025
91-36-0137Cajon CreekCalmat Company1 inch 2024-07-23-66 2024-07-23-72 9/5/2025
3/4 inch 2024-07-23-67 2024-07-23-73 9/5/2025
3/8 inch 2024-07-23-68 2024-07-23-74 9/5/2025
fine 2024-07-23-69 2024-07-23-75 9/5/2025
91-36-0019Black Mountain QuarryCemex California Cement Llc1 inch 2024-08-05-41 2024-08-05-45 9/22/2025
3/8 inch 2024-08-05-42 2024-08-05-46 9/23/2025
91-56-0014MoorparkCemex Construction Materials Pacific, Llcfine 2024-08-20-29 2024-08-20-58 9/23/2025
91-19-0020PalmdaleCalmat Company1 inch 2024-08-01-70 2024-08-01-78 9/24/2025
3/8 inch 2024-08-01-71 2024-08-01-79 9/24/2025
fine 2024-08-01-72 2024-08-01-80 9/24/2025
91-36-0040Lytle CreekCemex Construction Materials Pacific, Llc1-1/2 inch 2024-08-06-52 2024-08-06-61 10/13/2025
1 inch 2024-08-06-49 2024-08-06-58 10/13/2025
3/8 inch 2024-08-06-50 2024-08-06-59 10/13/2025
fine 2024-08-06-51 2024-08-06-60 10/13/2025
91-10-0014Rockfield PlantCemex1 inch 2024-05-20-174 2024-05-20-119 11/3/2025
3/8 inch 2024-05-20-175 2024-05-20-120 11/3/2025
fine 2024-05-20-176 2024-05-20-121 11/3/2025
91-19-0054Big Rock Creek - LebataLebata, Inc1 inch 2024-09-09-65 2024-09-09-68 11/10/2025
3/8 inch 2024-09-09-66 2024-09-09-69 11/10/2025
fine 2024-09-09-67 2024-09-09-70 11/10/2025
91-36-0068Redlands Wash Plan (cemex)Cemex Construction Materials Pacific, Llc1 inch 2024-08-06-53 2024-08-06-62 11/12/2025
3/8 inch 2024-08-06-54 2024-08-06-63 10/31/2025
fine 2024-08-06-55 2024-08-13-94 10/31/2025
91-19-0046Big Rock Creek- GraniteGranite Construction1-1/2 inch 2024-10-03-2 2024-10-03-78 11/20/2025
1 inch 2024-10-03-3 2024-10-03-79 11/20/2025
3/8 inch 2024-10-03-4 2024-10-03-80 11/20/2025
fine 2024-10-03-5 2024-10-03-81 11/20/2025
91-36-0046Agcon, Inc.Agcon, Inc.1 inch 2024-10-23-111 2024-10-23-86 2/16/2026
3/8 inch 2024-10-23-110 2024-10-23-87 2/16/2026
fine 2024-10-23-109 2024-10-23-88 2/16/2026
91-33-0073Murdock-alberhill RanchPacific Clay Products, Inc.fine 2025-01-09-38 2025-01-09-45 3/9/2026
91-36-0072Redlands Wash Plan (robertson's Ready Mix)Robertson's Ready Mix1 inch 2024-12-27-2 2024-12-27-8 3/23/2026
3/8 inch 2024-12-27-3 2024-12-27-9 3/23/2026
fine 2024-12-27-1 2024-12-27-7 3/23/2026
91-33-0012Banning QuarryRrm Properties1-1/2 inch 2024-12-30-2 2024-12-30-11 4/8/2026
1 inch 2024-12-30-3 2024-12-30-12 4/8/2026
3/8 inch 2024-12-30-4 2024-12-30-13 4/8/2026
fine 2024-12-30-1 2024-12-30-10 4/8/2026
91-37-0020Hester's GraniteHester's Granite Company1 inch 2024-12-26-4 2024-12-26-10 4/8/2026
3/8 inch 2024-12-26-5 2024-12-26-11 4/8/2026
91-19-0033PalmdaleRobertson's Ready Mix1 inch 2024-12-23-3 2024-12-23-22 4/13/2026
3/8 inch 2024-12-23-4 2024-12-23-23 5/5/2026
fine 2024-12-23-2 2024-12-23-21 4/13/2026


3/4" material complies with the requirements for 1 inch x No. 4 primary aggregate nominal size in section 90-1.02 of the Standard Specifications

Caltrans contact: APP Administrator,